Course Objectives
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
Use SAS for managing and manipulating data
Perform data analysis in SAS
Become familiar with some of the most commonly used statistical procedures in SAS
Apply knowledge of data mining techniques (Multivariate Statistics, Regression, ANOVA, Cluster Analysis, Logistic Regression) for complex data sets using SAS

Module 1: Introduction to SAS
Importing data and installed data tables
Performing basic data analysis in SAS
Vector and matrix arithmetic
Logical selections
How to do loops and if statements to manipulate data

Module 2: Descriptive Statistics in SAS
Summarizing data (grouped & ungrouped)
Creating tables
Creating graphics

Module 3: Data Mining & Statistical Analysis in SAS
Hypothesis testing
Regression (Including Step-wise)
Logistic Regression
Chi Square Testing
Cluster Analysis
Decision Trees

Module 4: Case Study – Big Data
Analysis of a large dataset
Importing data from csv and txt files, data manipulation and basic descriptive statistics
Plots and graphing, for-loops and if-statements
Identify the purpose of certain lines of code
Practice what has been learned in Modules 1-3 with a ‘big data’ set
Regression analysis and ANOVA using “big data” set