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We provide results-driven training and learning resources for actuarial science and data analytics.

Our Company
Afiniti Solutions is a boutique consulting firm that assists government agencies and the private sector with quantitative research and data analysis. By applying scientific methodologies and cutting-edge modeling techniques, we help firms discover new ways of viewing and analyzing data. Building on expertise in statistics, finance, actuarial science and risk management, our analytical tools are designed to help firms develop and implement winning mathematical models, whether used for statistical analysis, forecasting of sales or market movements, or the assessment and mitigation of risk.
Our Mission
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Training in data analytics and actuarial science are key components of the company’s mission. Our curriculum is tailored to meet the unique needs of each of our clients.  Currently, training efforts are primarily focused in Actuarial Science, Data Analysis, Statistics (including statistics' software) and Enterprise Risk Management.
Earth Projection
Our Vision

Afiniti Solutions aspires to become a leading provider of training resources for actuarial science and data analytics, expanding our brand into the global market. 

Why Choose Afiniti Solutions?

  1. Experienced instructors with 15+ years of teaching Actuarial Science courses and exemplary pass rates.

  2. Our instructors have unique approaches to solving complex problems quickly by adopting strategies that build on the participants' experiences.

  3. Our team has conducted research to determine which concepts participants struggle with the most.  This information was used to strengthen lecture notes and manuals to ensure these concepts are extensively covered.

  4. Our instructors have expertise in data science and actuarial modeling and a passion for the material.  They bring this enthusiasm into each training course and exam prep seminar.

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